Mikvah Emunah Society
of Greater Washington
Your Support is Crucial
in Keeping
Our Community Strong
Mikvah User fees
Pay user fees by cash or check at the mikvah, or online by credit / debit card, or Zelle.
Zelle payments should be sent to ssmikvah@gmail.com. Our name will show up as “Mikvah Emunah Society of Greater Washington”.
For credit or debit card, we don’t have a credit card reader onsite, so payment has to be done online (below). If you pay online, you will need to show your payment confirmation to the greeter at the front desk upon arrival.
- Usage only: $25.00
- Usage plus 1 pack of bedika cloths: $29.00
- Usage plus 2 packs of bedika cloths: $32.00
- 1 pack of bedika cloths: $4.00
- 2 packs of bedika cloths: $7.00
- 3 packs of bedika cloths: $11.00
- 4 packs of bedika cloths: $14.00
By becoming a member of MES, you help keep our community families thriving and strong. You allow us to maintain the highest possible standards of safety, cleanliness and aesthetics, as is proper for those performing a mitzvah that is central to the fabric of Jewish life. Find out more about membership levels and benefits here.
Contributions to support the work of the Mikvah Emunah Society are always appreciated. If you wish to make a general donation to the mikvah, or to make a donation in honor or in memory of someone, please click below.
Zelle payments should be sent to ssmikvah@gmail.com. Our name will appear as “Mikvah Emunah Society of Greater Washington

The Robin Niman Mikvah Education Fund
Robin Niman, a”h, our beloved mikvah manager for many years was niftar (died) all too soon in 5780. She was a special person who elevated the mitzvah of taharat hamishpacha and worked tirelessly to ensure that women had a positive and welcoming experience at the mikvah. She contributed much to our community (and to many other communities) and she left an incredible legacy. MES established the Robin Niman Mikvah Education Fund in her memory to embody the important values Robin lived and taught, enhancing the mitzvot of mikvah and taharat hamishpacha. Read more about this special fund here.

Zelle payments should be sent to ssmikvah@gmail.com. Our name will appear as “Mikvah Emunah Society of Greater Washington