About Our Mikvah

According to our tradition, the most important institution in any community is not its shul and not its school. The most important institution is its mikvah. The mitzvot of mikvah and taharat hamishpacha are crucial to the Jewish community and our entire way of life.
Quietly nestled within the Kemp Mill community, the Yitzchak Wallerstein Mikvah opened in 5771/2011. It resembles a home, and blends in well with other nearby homes in the neighborhood. This warm residential feel features prominent gables and rooflines, a welcoming front porch, and faux windows of opaque glass.
The inside of the mikvah is similarly warm and inviting. Visitors are welcomed in the lobby by a greeter, and a quiet waiting room is available should a preperation room not be available immediately. Separate corridors for arriving and departing guests provide all visitors with privacy.
The mikvah building houses two mikvaot (including one with a bor al gabay bor) and ten preparation rooms, including an elegant preparation room for brides, one room designed to be wheelchair accessible, and another for those with special physical needs. The preparation rooms include showers and tubs. The mikvaot and preparation rooms are handicapped accessible. In addition, the mikvah includes a washing station, laundry facilities, office space and storage rooms.
The mikvah has parking on site as well as additional overflow parking available nearby. The mikvah is both a private and safe place, with landscaping to enhance privacy, as well as adequate site lighting and walkways to protect the safety of all visitors.

The Wallerstein Mikvah was built with a generous seed grant from the Wallerstein family in memory of Yitzchak Wallerstein z”l, and the support of hundreds of families in the Greater Washington area. If your family did not participate in the original campaign but would like to support the mikvah, or if you would like to give a greater donation than you gave before, there are still opportunities available, including naming possibilities. Please contact MES President Lori Tolchin at lgtolchin@gmail.com for more information about making a pledge.