
February 2025 hours

We only book appointments for Friday nights, YomTov nights, or for a kallah. To make an appointment for Friday or YomTov night, leave a message at 301-681-3737 any time during the week, up to 1:00 PM on Friday or Erev Yom Tov. Kallos may leave a message at any time.

All other visits are first-come, first-served within our open hours.

Click here for the calendar with the monthly hours.

Access to a room with a shower is for 30 minutes, and access to a room with a bath is for 60 minutes. 

IMPORTANT: Note that on weeknights in the winter months, the earliest we open is 7:30 (except for Motzoei YomTov that falls on a weeknight), even after we have changed to Eastern Standard Time in November.

Latest arrival times: 45 minutes before closing time for access to a room with a bath, and 30 minutes before closing time for access to a room with a shower. Thank you for noting the times listed above for when the building closes nightly and for planning your visit accordingly.

Late fee: A $25 late fee, in addition to the regular $25 fee, will be charged for those arriving for a bath within 30 minutes of closing time, or those arriving for a shower within 15 minutes of closing time.